Editing terms

Anamorphic Format

Anamorphic format is the cinematography technique of shooting a widescreen picture. The aspect ratio of 2.39:1. It can be achieved with the anamorphic lens Anamorphic

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Match Cut

In Editing, Match Cut is a Cut from one shot to another where a composition of the two shots are matched by the action or

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Spatial Jump Cuts

A Spatial Jump Cut is a type of Jump Cut in film editing in which created through two shots filmed non-continuously. Jump Cut Turorial By

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Jump Cut

A Jump Cut is a cutting technique in film editing in which a single continuous sequence shot is cut into two parts, which makes the

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30 Degree Rule

In the Film Editing guide, The camera should move at least 30 degrees relative to the subject between successive shots of the same subject. In

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Cutting on action

Cutting on action also known as matching on action which means – in film editing technique where the editor cuts from one shot to another shot where the

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Cutaway Shot

Cutaway Shot is a shot that cuts main action to another shot that adds visual information to first shot and then returns to first shot. A Cutaway

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Cross cutting

Cross cutting is an editing technique most often used in films to establish action occurring at the same time, and usually in the same/different place. In

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Continuity Editing

Continuity Editing is an editing technique used to maintain stability/consistency of both time & space in film. Techniques of continuity editing in films 180 degree

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Animation is a method in which images are manipulated to appear as moving images which creates an illusion of movement in our eyes because our

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Aspect ratio

An Aspect Ratio means the width and height of a image or screen. Aspect ratio expressed/written in two numbers separated by colon – [ Width : Height

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