Cinematography terms

Anamorphic Format

Anamorphic format is the cinematography technique of shooting a widescreen picture. The aspect ratio of 2.39:1. It can be achieved with the anamorphic lens Anamorphic

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30 Degree Rule

In the Film Editing guide, The camera should move at least 30 degrees relative to the subject between successive shots of the same subject. In

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Axis of Action

Axis of Action means, In continuity editing, the imaginary line that passes from side to side through the main characters, defining the spatial relations of

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In general, Composition is nothing but how the objects (props, actors, etc…) in a frame arranged to each other elements in the same frame. Reference

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Closeup Shot

Closeup Shot is type of shot that tightly frames a person or object. Few images for closeup shot Close-up types Medium Close Up (MCU) Close

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Tilt is a cinematographic term in which the camera stays in fixed position and rotates up or down in a vertical axis. Tilt downward generates high view

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180 Degree Rule

180 Degree rule means, in continuity editing, the imaginary line that passes from side to side through the main characters, defining the spatial relations of

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Aspect ratio

An Aspect Ratio means the width and height of a image or screen. Aspect ratio expressed/written in two numbers separated by colon – [ Width : Height

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Panning or Pan Shot

Panning means turning camera horizontally(X-axis) from a fixed position.ORPanning or Pan Shot means, Horizontal Moment of camera with fixed position. Guide to Panning by Studio Blinder See

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Camera Angle

Camera Angle is the view point from which the subject of the shot is depicted (captured). Things related to Camera Angle are Subject size: How

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Aperture is a opening of camera lens through which the amount of light allowed to pass and which hits the sensor or film, which forms the

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